Thursday 3 February 2011

Paris info 01

When we go to Paris I will be on a mission, after all there’s nothing more constructive than going somewhere with several plans in hand: 

what to see; what to draw; what to buy; and what to eat – not necessarily in that order

I have just begun my own agenda plan. It will cover four areas, comics, picture books, places to see, and things to eat! Its only five days so I don’t want be too ambitious.

In order to make the most of the trip can you all make a plan, which will need some research, and then we can meet up a few weeks before we go to see what everyone comes up with

We can then then think about grouping to stay safe and enjoy the company of people with like minded interests. I’m about to email my mother, who happens to be French, to retrieve some names of some of the best cake shops in Paris, as she continually goes to Paris on this kind mission!

You can write your plan as a daily one, which will also tell us who are the early risers and those who like to stay up late. Places like Centre Pompidou, the Louvre, and Notre Dame, could be on your list of things to see, but some of you may want to go further to Chateau de Versailles, or look at alternative side to Paris:

When we return to BIAD we will have an exhibition of work, but rather than have a mixture of random Paris related drawings, I would like to suggest that you all research on an illustration context that you wish to focus your visual studies on whilst in Paris, and then exhibit them on your return.

I’ve begun my list of links & places to go below, but won’t do any more, until we know in which hotel, area of Paris we are staying

Comics Book Shops!
***** La Rubrique A Bulles
110 boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris
01 43 38 45 15
* Oberkampf (<0.1 km)
* Filles du Calvaire (0.4 km)
Lun, Dim: Fermé
Mar - Sam: 11:00 - 20:00
Super magasin: un choix large mais pas trop pour ne pas être noyé, un patron de (très) bon conseil qui sait se mettre "au niveau" de ses clients novices ou passionnés, une déco originale et artistique, bref, un endroit où on se sent bien et dont on repart rarement les mains vides, longue vie à la rubrique à bulle!
*****Opéra BD, Bastille, Paris
2 Rue Tournelles, 75004 Paris
01 44 54 95 15
* Bréguet-Sabin (0.4 km)
* Chemin Vert (0.4 km)
Station Vélib':
* Bourdon (0.1 km)
J'adore !!!! Ouvert jusqu'à minuit !!! quand je finis tard le taff, ou le dimanche quand je veux me changer les idées, je passe toujours dans cette librairie de bd. Patron excellent, tres bon conseil ! Avis au fan et aux autres...
*****Manga Café, La Sorbonne, Paris – (For manga fans – library – not sure you can buy books from there, just read on pay per hour?)
11 bis Rue des Carmes, 75005 Paris
01 43 26 50 04
* la mutualité (0.2 km)
* Chapelle de la sorbonne (0.4 km)
Station Vélib':
* Bourse du commerce (1.7 km)
Ouverts tous les jours de 10h30 à 22h00
Plein plein plein de mangas, boisson à volonté et des consoles.... Le paradis quoi.
Arkham, Jardin des plantes, Paris
7 Broca, 75013 Paris
* Campo-Formio (0.8 km)
* Jussieu (0.9 km)
Station Vélib':
· Mouffetard saint medard (<0.1 km)
Bonne boutique de Comics, on y trouve un bon choix, et aussi de vieux numéro parfois difficile à trouver. Moins de matraquage commerciale que Album ce qui est aussi bien. On est ici entre connaisseurs.
Art Shops!
Graphigro, Paris
207 Boulevard Voltaire, dans l'impasse cité voltaire, 75011 Paris
01 43 48 23 57
* Rue des Boulets (<0.1 km)
* Charonne (0.5 km)
Station Vélib':
* Rue des Boulets (<0.1 km)
Lun - Sam: 10:00 - 19:00
Dim: Fermé
Sennelier, Paris
Magasin Sennelier
3,Quai Voltaire 75007 Paris

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